Affiliate Links

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What Are Affiliate Links?

Affiliate programs are a method of referral marketing. The publisher of the blog recommends selected shops to the reader and receives a reward. So if my shop recommendation leads to the purchase of a product, I receive a small commission for it.

Why Do You Use Affiliate Links?

Certainly not because I’m dying to sell you something. ;) But if you read my post and would place an order afterwards anyway, affilate links are a good thing for both sides.

I only recommend shops I made good experiences myself. These are mostly the big and well-known suppliers for running equipment.

How Do I Recognize Affiliate Links On The Blog?

I have marked all text links with an asterisk *, so that they are always visible to you.

What Happens If I Buy Through an Affiliate Link?

As buyer you just place your order at the recommended shop – at the regular price and with the usual service. You will not have any disadvantages. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

What Do You Do With The Commissions?

First and foremost: I re-invest. ;) I can afford the server costs for the blog even without affiliate programs. But sometimes I would like to review products without having to ask the manufacturer first or which are not available this way.

Hi! It’s me, the Harlerunner.

This is where Thomas Pier writes about running and (much more than just the necessary) equipment. I don't run particularly fast or far. But I like to share my experiences as an ambitious recreational runner, curious early-adopter and as my own trainer.

I am happy about every digital contacting - but even more so about every kilometer run together.

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Thomas (der Harlerunner)