... und wieder hoch!

My Training For The Ibbenbueren Klippenlauf 2020 – Part 2

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The second training block for the Ibbenbürener Klippenlauf is behind me. Please read here how it went in the first one.

HRV Managed Training

The management of my training via HRV has not spoiled my plans in the last few weeks. All values were initially stable in the green range – until a slight dent in the second week of training. At the end of the third week, stress at the office, a sick family and the strenuous ISPO days added to the stress. Fortunately, you can see clearly that the following week of rest did me a lot of good and I was ready for the next training block. :)

Week 5-8

In the first week it was the turn of 1000m intervals with short, relatively fast “recovery breaks” (rollon). Somehow I managed to almost over-fulfill the pace requirements. However, on the weekend the combination of a crescendo run and the long run hit me hard. Long runs of about 20 km are not exactly my favourite units…

The second week also started with intervals and I can still remember very well that I ran the last repetitions very much on the forefoot to keep a good form. Why is that important? Well… during the easy run the next day my left calf pinched quite a bit. By the time I noticed this as a problem, I had already been on the road for a good half hour and had to run back the same distance. Immediate measures like cooling or flossing didn’t make a difference anymore: my calf and the inside of my knee hurt with every step. :(

Two days off didn’t change anything, so alternative training was the order of the day. On one day I built in intensive kettlebell training, the next day I went to the gym for bike training.

The third week then started cautiously with an easy run, which was completely free of discomfort. So I was able to do the intervals after all (8x1000m). :) Unfortunately the long run had to be cancelled because of the ISPO trip and I couldn’t do one in the rest week either. But there were the rollon intervals on the treadmill again, which I was almost looking forward to. :)

In the next training block it will get very specific – and I urgently have to increase the long runs. With Thomas I have already found an ally there, so I am very confident. :)

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Hi! It’s me, the Harlerunner.

This is where Thomas Pier writes about running and (much more than just the necessary) equipment. I don't run particularly fast or far. But I like to share my experiences as an ambitious recreational runner, curious early-adopter and as my own trainer.

I am happy about every digital contacting - but even more so about every kilometer run together.

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Thomas (der Harlerunner)
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