Sponsored Posts

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Why are some blog posts marked as “Sponsored Post”?

As a (German) blogger I am legally obliged to clearly separate posts with advertising content from other content. Therefore, as soon as a manufacturer provides me with products for an article, I have to indicate this cooperation by the word “Advertisement” or “Sponsored Post”.

So these posts are written for these companies?

No, all of my posts are written by me and exclusively reflect my personal opinion. Me beeing interested in the product or topic is the only motivation to write about it on the blog.

If a manufacturer supports me in this by providing a product, I will gladly accept this. However, I always exclude any influence on my text and mark it accordingly to make this cooperation transparent.

Hi! It’s me, the Harlerunner.

This is where Thomas Pier writes about running and (much more than just the necessary) equipment. I don't run particularly fast or far. But I like to share my experiences as an ambitious recreational runner, curious early-adopter and as my own trainer.

I am happy about every digital contacting - but even more so about every kilometer run together.

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Thomas (der Harlerunner)