My Training For The Ibbenbueren Klippenlauf 2020 – Part 1

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I really enjoyed the Ibbenbuerener Klippenlauf last year, so I have registered again in 2020. But this time I would like to be able to run the whole distance, so I started training early.

Training plan

The basis for my training again is the 16 week training plan for the Rennsteig Marathon by Michael Arend. To the best of my knowledge, I have reduced the extent (and intensity) of the plan, because my race is only about half the distance. But since the race requirements are very similar, it has already prepared me well last year. Due to illness I could not fully implement it, but this is going to be different this year.

HRV training management

To ensure that I do not overdo it in volume and intensity, I continue to rely on the management via EliteHRV. This leads to the occasional exchange of training days, for example when I have not yet recovered from the last hard session. Or I skip a run to be really fit for the next core unit. So far I’m doing really well with it.

Week 1-4

The first training block was quite polarized: either easy endurance runs or really hard sprints or intervals. The rollon intervals with one minute at about threshold and then one minute just below have been a lot of fun last year. Therefore I went back to the treadmill in the Topfit Arena.

These were joined by hill sprints for muscle fiber recruitment and VO2max intervals on hills. With 4.5 hours and almost 50 kilometers, the weeks were well filled, but after the preceding basic training, they were well manageable.

I joined the New Yeaars Eve Run Stadtlohn in my rest week and it turned into a really fast competition, so that I had to even rest more afterwards. On the other hand the run showed very clearly that the last weeks of training were not in vain. Also my FTP has already increased by almost 6%!

So this is all going in exactly the right direction. I hope to avoid self-provoked pauses by sticking to the EliteHRV recommendations, so I could get through the intervalls in the next training block very well.

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Hi! It’s me, the Harlerunner.

This is where Thomas Pier writes about running and (much more than just the necessary) equipment. I don't run particularly fast or far. But I like to share my experiences as an ambitious recreational runner, curious early-adopter and as my own trainer.

I am happy about every digital contacting - but even more so about every kilometer run together.

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