Soar Nano Jacket

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The new Nano Jacket is probably the current pinnacle of development at Soar. And at the same time it towers above all other rain jackets I have ever held in my hands.

Sponsored Post: Soar provided me with the products for this review at my request. This had no influence on the content of my post. The article is written indipendently and reflects exclusively my personal experiences.


Soar Nano Jacket

343 Euro
Time Frame
4 weeks
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First Impression

Let’s start with the obvious: the Nano Jacket is the first Soar garment with a hood. That alone is a clear sign that the jacket is really made for running in persistent rain.

In the “Browns” colour variant shown here, you can see the base of the hood particularly clearly. The zip of the jacket closes just under the chin.

A lot of time must have gone into the development of the hood alone, because it is optimally ergonomically pre-shaped so that it interferes as little as possible with movement. The fit is also adjustable at the back of the head with a single-pull back adjuster.

There is a small visor that provides additional protection. A nifty popper ensures safe stowage as long as you don’t need the hood.

The cuffs ensure that the jacket fits comfortably and that as little wind as possible can get under the fabric. A drawstring at the bottom of the Nano Jacket can also control ventilation.

There is a generous zipped pocket at the back where you can stow extra gear: gloves, a tube scarf or your mobile phone.



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As if Soar didn’t already have very well functioning rain jackets in its collection, the Nano Jacket was developed from scratch. As Tim explains well in the video, there was no fabric on the market that met his requirements for the functionality of the jacket. So Soar developed its own without further ado.

This development builds on the experience with existing products. Three years ago, the Ultra Rain Jacket was already a rain jacket with a membrane. And even then, the material beat all competing products by a long way.

The fabric of the Soar Nano Jacket is characterised by superlative functional breathability combined with a very low RET value. This indicates the resistance that the moisture in the air must first overcome in order to pass through the material. Values below 6 are considered very good – the Nano Jacket is at 2.7! The bottom line is that a lot of moisture can easily pass through the fabric, which promises an optimal indoor climate even under the worst conditions.

Additionally, the rain should of course stay outside. Here too, Soar builds on a proven technology, namely the double DWR treatment of the All Weather Jacket. The outer material is thus already provided with a water-repellent layer as yarn, then processed into a fabric and then equipped with a second DWR layer.

But that’s not all: the Soar Nano Jacket is also part of the new UTR series and thus should also meet the demands of trail runners. One requirement was that you should be able to wear a runnign backpack. Their abrasion is normally the death of any rain membrane. The Nano Jacket has a very durable outer material and is specifically designed for use with a backpack.

Running Experience

I was almost disappointed when I could only do my first test runs in drizzle ;). But even then, the jacket proved its breathability. Even on long tempo runs, I never felt the need to open the zip to regulate the interior climate. With the hood stowed away, the jacket was hardly noticeable as such and very comfortable to wear. Even the usual rustling of the fabric is not present.

Fortunately, there were also enough opportunities to go running in heavy rain and storms. Actually, I only ever had to fight the wind, because thanks to the jacket I didn’t care about the rain at all. Even after more than an hour in the pouring rain, I was still completely dry inside (except for the sweat). The hood also served me well, although I usually like to do without it. But in the case of the Nano Jacket, it is so perfectly formed that it didn’t bother me at all. The field of vision is not restricted – even if you move your head a lot. The elastic band in the hood wraps around the head like a cap, which basically worked very well. Only in combination with a cap did it have its limits – but that’s up to you.


Soar Nano Jacket
The ultimate rain jacket
If you are looking for the perfect rain jacket for runners, the Soar Nano Jacket is the right answer. It impresses in all areas and has even exceeded my expectations. All the technical features are outstanding - and then there's the Soar-typical good fit and good design. The fact that you can also wear your running west over the jacket puts the crown on the whole thing.
Price / Performance

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